Filtering Blemishes with Demi Colour

You don’t always need layers of thick foundation and concealer to hide acne and blemishes!

The traditional method of using concealer topped with setting powder tends to add excess makeup texture to an already textured skin issue and can look so cakey. And usually the underlying redness and shadowing STILL manages to peek through. It can be so frustrating.

Demi Colour is a revolutionary makeup that filters the excess color found in skin distractions (like blemishes) without adding any excess makeup texture. Demi doesn’t “cover” your acne, it changes what we can SEE with color science. (If you’re new to Demi Colour, make sure to head here to read more!)


Identifying Excess Color

Most people think their zits are just “red”. We’ve all been taught that you put the complimentary color of green on a zit to hide it. But this usually just doesn’t work. Because blemishes can be many colors! So it’s important to learn how to see excess colors in the skin so you know which colors of Demi to use to filter them.

Blemishes tend to change colors as they go through the healing process:

NEW (red, inflamed, angry) —> HEALING/SCABBED (dark red violet) —> HEALED (shadowy blue scar)


How to use Demi Colour to Filter Blamishes

  1. Look at the area and find the darkest points. If the area is larger than a sesame seed, it’s likely more than one color! Eliminating just the very darkest points can have a brightening effect on the overall area.

2. Use a small brush and apply the smallest amount of product possible. Remember, you’re not trying to cover the zit, you’re trying to neutralize the excess color.


If you need help choosing Demi Colours for your skin tone and skin concerns, click here to get color matched by me! I will email you some personalized recommendations.


Using Demi Colour to Filter Hyperpigmentation


Demi Colour for Undereyes