6 Things I Wish I Knew as a New Seint Artist


I became a Seint Artist back in October 2018, which means I’ve currently been an Artist for over 5 years!! I’d love to share with you some things I learned along the way that I wish I would have known in the beginning…

Bet on yourself.

In the beginning, I fell in love with this makeup and knew I would be sharing about it the same way I share about anything else I love - cute shoes, a favorite recipe, TV shows I’m currently binging, etc. So I figured, “Why not share about this makeup as an Artist and make some extra money while I’m at it! Maybe I’ll at least earn some free makeup.” Externally I acted pretty casual and noncommittal about the opportunity, but on the inside I felt so excited. The possibilities lit a fire within me, but I was hesitant. I wish I would have allowed myself to feel excited and hopeful. I wish I would have owned the decision more, and charged forward with more belief in myself.

Don’t worry about the opinions of others.

When I first started, I was deeply worried that people would have negative opinions about my new venture. “MLM’s” have built such a negative reputation in recent years, and even though I knew Seint was different and better than other companies, I was still worried about what people would think. So I went above and beyond to minimize what I was doing, and felt most comfortable not sharing with people close to me. Which did me a huge disservice! My advice? Don’t let the opinions of others hold you back. People could be judging you every day for a million reasons, and if you listen to them you’ll never grow or do anything new. Be proud of your new opportunity and don’t apologize to anyone, even in your own thoughts. The opinions of others are none of your business! If being a Seint Artist works for you and your family and you’re excited about it, that’s all you need to know. And don’t stress if those closest to you don’t support your business. Some of my closest friends have never purchased anything from me, and that’s 100% fine! These products aren’t everyone’s cup of tea. It doesn’t mean they don’t still support you.

Do it scared.

In my first days as an Artist, I was terrified to put myself out there. I felt like I didn’t know what I was doing. I was scared to post a makeup-free photo of my face on the internet. I was scared to do a live video. I was full of self-doubt and fear. I’m really glad that I pushed through those feelings of discomfort and did it anyway! You just gotta go for it! No one feels comfortable doing this when they first start. We’re all scared. But we all did it anyway. Your business won’t take off if you don’t take the leap of faith and go for it.

Don’t compare.

Everyone comes into this opportunity with a different comfort level and learning curve. Everyone begins with an existing amount of influence over people. You may need to build your skills and trust with your customers! Everyone’s journey is different. Comparison will just make you feel discouraged and slow you down. These thoughts may still creep in (I still struggle with this all the time!), but release them and don’t let them have time in your mind. “Popcorn is prepared in the same pot, in the same heat, in the same oil and yet…the kernels do not pop at the same time. Don’t compare yourself to others. Your time to pop is coming.”

You are in control of your success.

It’s not your upline’s job to make you successful. Everyone’s journey is different, and you can go at whatever pace you want - but it’s all up to you. You need to be motivated to decide what you want this opportunity to be for yourself, make your own goals, and take steps every day toward achieving those goals. You will get out of this experience what you put into it. You can take this opportunity as far as you want to. But none of it will happen if you don’t put yourself out there and go for it.

This is about so much more than just makeup.

I had no idea what this experience would become, how much it would help me grow as a person, and how it would change my life. I’ve met the most amazing friends in my Seint sisters, and some of them have become my closest friends. The feeling of helping people feel beautiful with their makeup is a truly humbling and rewarding thing. I’ve learned so many new skills that I can add to my resume - social media, technology, customer service, customer experience management, public speaking, small business finances, etc. My confidence and self-esteem have grown SO much. I didn’t realize how much of this journey would be one of self improvement and personal growth. Even if I never made any money with this venture, it still would have changed my life and changed me as a person for the better. And for that I am so grateful.


I’m still on my Seint journey, but reflecting back on where I started has opened my eyes to how far I’ve come, and all of the things that try to hold me back. I still struggle with some of these things! We’re all just out here trying to learn and grow and reach our goals everyday.

Have you considered becoming a Seint Artist? If so, you can read more information about the opportunity here! I would love to be your mentor and help you get started. You can also feel free to reach out if you have any questions, and I would love to help.


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