Skin Cycling

If you’ve always wanted to have a better skincare routine, but you feel lost and intimidated and don’t know where to start - this routine may be for you!

You may have heard about the latest skincare “trend” recently called “Skin Cycling”.  Dermatologist Dr. Whitney Bowe recently went viral on TikTok with her Skin Cycling informational videos. It’s not really a trend, though! Dermatologists have been recommending intermittent or alternating use of active ingredients for a long time.


So why is this beauty trend all the rage right now? Maybe the catchy name helped it go viral, or maybe people are realizing that our skin, like the rest of our body, needs rest!

“Particularly during the pandemic, people were adding layer after layer after layer onto their skin-care routines and experimenting with ingredient cocktails that were irritating and damaging their skin,” Dr. Bowe says. “There’s been so much confusion surrounding how to layer active ingredients. … Particularly on social media, the answers are all over the place and we are seeing angry, irritated skin as a result.” Instead of piling more products on top of each other, skin cycling encourages people to use products strategically so that they actually complement one another”, Bowe says.

When I stumbled across “skin cycling” on social media, I laughed because I was already following a similar makeup routine just on instinct! It makes sense to me to switch up skincare products so the skin doesn’t get overwhelmed, and to give the skin a break a few times a week. I thought I was just “keeping my skin on its toes”, but apparently the method is backed by science! This skincare routine has given me the best skin of my whole life. Sure, my cream makeup helps too. But as I always say, “Skincare first, makeup second”. If your skin isn’t healthy and smooth, your makeup won’t lie on top nicely. Taking care of your skin is SO important!

I hope you give this method a try!




Skin cycling is a skin-care routine that allows for “rest days” during the week, so that your skin can repair itself after using certain products. This can help prevent irritation and inflammation, and will allow your skincare products to be as effective as possible. Mixing products with incompatible active ingredients can be tricky. More is not always better! Skin Cycling takes the guesswork out of skincare, and yields amazing results.

Follow this schedule to get MORE out of your skincare routine! Each night, apply your targeted serums and products followed by moisturizer.


This step removes dead skin cells from the surface of your skin, which allows your other products to penetrate more deeply into the skin. This step prepares the skin for the following nights of treatments! I prefer chemical exfoliants to physical, because they’re more gentle. 

Some of my personal favorite exfoliant products:


Retinoids are Vitamin A derivatives that reduce the appearance of fine lines and general signs of aging. If you have sensitive skin, start with a lower strength retinol product, or build up gradually. I personally don’t have very sensitive skin, so I prefer a strong retinol product.

(If you can handle using a retinol product nightly without irritation, then that’s fine! More power to you, * tough skin high-five *. But I would still throw an exfoliation night in the routine once or twice a week to remove dead skin cells so your retinoid can be more effective.)

Some of my personal favorite retinoid products:


If you’re new to Skin Cycling or want to start slow, make this night a normal night of gentle recovery. Personally, I like to make Night 3 my “Antioxidant Recovery” with potent antioxidant serums added to maximize my results. Antioxidants are substances that help protect the skin's surface from oxidative damage caused by free radicals and environmental aggressors like UV and pollution. Antioxidants are often found in skin care product formulas because of their powerful anti-aging benefits.

Some of my favorite antioxidant products:


Recovery nights give your skin a chance to recover, like it sounds.  Hydration is key! You’ll want to focus on nourishing your skin and repairing the skin barrier with gentle moisturizers that don’t contain any harsh exfoliants or anti-aging active ingredients. Regardless of your skin type (oily, dry, etc) you’ll want to go to bed that night looking like a glazed donut. Trust me.

These are some of my favorite moisturizers:


The Benefits of Skin Cycling

  • Skin Cycling can help repair your skin barrier

  • Reduced irritation and inflammation

  • Reduced product side effects and interactions

  • More hydrated and balanced skin


Last Tip: USE SUNSCREEN!!!!!!!!

I’m super duper serious, guys. When you’re using retinoid and exfoliating products in your skincare routine, it’s VITAL to protect your skin during the day with a high quality SPF product. Don’t skip it, or all of your healthy skin progress will be sabotaged!

Some gentle & effective sunscreen products that work well under makeup:


*Disclaimer: Obviously, I am not a dermatologist! I am not a skincare professional. I am just someone who is interested in learning more about skincare science and likes trying new things. So keep that in mind when you listen to my advice. If you’re unsure or have questions, make sure to reach out to your doctor for help!

*This is not a paid sponsorship or partnership. All opinions are my own.


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